How to Get Ahead in The Bonus Week

It’s that quiet week between Christmas and New Year’s. I call it Bonus Week. Holiday celebrations are tapering off, daycares and schools are closed, the weather is questionable, and everyone’s hunkering down with new toys, books, and games. You’re kind of just waiting for the kids to get bored with all the things they just got.

Black and white image of the photographer's kids eating candy off a gingerbread house.

And for that sugar high to dissipate.

But for that 10 minutes when they’re content, or during their nap/quiet time, you can start flipping through the photos you took during your celebrations, picking out which ones to post on social before you forget.

But wait!

Your kids won’t see them on social. How can you make sure the photos you worked so hard to capture get seen by the people they were really taken for?

You have a couple of obvious options, as I wrote in Richmond Family Magazine.

One, print them. Print them and hang them on the fridge, in a “2023 gallery” in your hallway, or let the kids hang them up in their rooms (use painter’s tape to save your wall paint).

Or, you could make a holiday photo book with Cluster or one of those quick book companies that make books straight from your phone.

The photographer's son posing with Christmas lights at Lewis Ginter in 2022.

If you wanted to keep all your 2023 photos together, though, you could pick the best ones and set them aside for your family photo book. You’d only need 4 or 5 really great ones to represent your holiday celebrations in your book.

Setting them aside now by putting them in a separate folder will help you get ahead as you get into 2024 and the task of making a photo book looms over you. You’ll have given yourself just a little bit of a head start and that little motivation might be all you need to get moving on it.

Last year's family photo book, turned to a page with holiday celebrations.

Speaking of head starts, and looming tasks, I have a new project launching on January 8 that will help you get that family photo book done before Spring. Three different options, from “I’ll do it all for you” to “I’ll give you a head start” to “I’ll send you weekly motivation while you do the work.”

If you want to know more when the project opens in January, sign up for the waitlist here and get all the info delivered straight to your inbox on Launch Day.


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