Photo Book Design

I do all the work, you get all the credit (and a completed photo book).

Your family photos deserve a special place, away from screenshots of recipes and memes.

You know that a book is a great solution for the hundreds (thousands) of photos you’ve collected of your family.

But the dreaded process - collecting, culling, finding the book company, arranging into a template, and ordering a book - the thought alone is enough to make it never happen.

You need someone to help you get this very-much-wanted, yet also very-much-dreaded, task done. You want the book in your hands, without all the steps it will take to get it there.

I have a magic wand.

I mean, not a literal magic wand. There is actual time and effort that goes into making a book.

It’s just not your time and effort.

Narrowing down your collection of photos for a book: I’ll do it for you, choosing the best composition, light, and the cutest faces to fill your family’s book and tell your story from the last year.

Researching companies to choose the right one for your book that will give you the best quality for your time and money: already done. I have a whole spreadsheet for that, and a company I’ve pinpointed to make your book with the best quality color and craftsmanship. I’ve used them myself and know exactly what to expect.

Arranging all those photos into said book without giving up halfway through: something you don’t even have to think about, because I’ll be doing that hard work for you.

You want it done. And you don’t have to spend time you don’t have, to make it look the way you want. I’ll do that for you.

Yearbook Options

The Complete Yearbook

You just need this thing done. You know how important it is, but you have zero time to do it.

I’ll do it all for you - the culling, the arranging, the ordering - and you sit back and wait for the book to arrive. When it does, you get to throw a party for yourself, because it’s done. And you did none of the work.

What’s included:

  • Your images, narrowed down to 200 of your best and delivered in a gallery that you can download directly to your computer

  • A 50 page, 8x10” layflat book that fits perfectly on your shelf, with professionally-printed pages and photographic quality, filled with 200 of your best and favorite images

  • A slideshow of those 200 images, set to music, that you can keep and view on any device

  • My recommendation of 12 of your best images to print and hang around your home (or make into a calendar), as well as suggestions of where to print them

Pricing is based on the number of starting images:

<1000 images: $500

1000-2000 images: $800

2000-5000 images: $1000

The Yearbook Head Start

If the thought of culling down all your photos into a reasonable 200 number makes you want to curl into a ball, but you want control over where each photo goes in your book, (or have other books you want to match), this is the perfect option for you. I’ll narrow down your image options to give you a head start, and send them back to you ready to be arranged in your book.

What’s included:

  • Your images, narrowed down to 200 of your best and delivered in a gallery that you can download directly to your computer

  • A slideshow of those 200 images, that you can keep and view on any device

  • My recommendation of 12 of your best images to print and hang around your home (or make into a calendar)

Pricing is based on the number of starting images:

<1000 images: $300

1000-2000 images: $500

2000-5000 images: $800

The DIY option

The DIY option is exactly that - DIY. It costs the least and requires the most of your time and effort. You’re doing all the work, but I’ll walk you through the steps, from collecting your photos and narrowing them down, to selecting a book company (I have a spreadsheet!) and encouragement along the way so you don’t lose momentum when it gets hard. This is completely self-paced, and it starts whenever you’re ready, through four weeks of emails (one email per week).

What’s included:

  • Four evenly-spaced emails with tips and advice on how to get this project done on your own time

  • A spreadsheet comparing four popular book companies, so you can choose the best option for your family’s book

  • Encouragement and cheerleading from the other side of the internets

  • Advice on how to make it easier for next year


Still not sure which option is best for you?


(You have questions. You’re not the only one.)

  • I have a secure gallery and I’ll send you instructions on how to quickly and easily upload your images to it, when we’re ready to get started.

  • You’ll be sending me duplicates, not originals, so I’ll delete the ones that we don’t use for the project and send you the keepers in your own gallery. Once you download your gallery, I’ll delete the keepers too. I won’t keep any of your personal photos and I won’t use them for anything.

  • Nope! If you’d rather do a baby book (finally) or a commemorative book over a series of years, I’m happy to help with that instead of a book to covers a given year.

  • While you can upgrade your choice from Head Start to the Complete version, or from DIY to a paid option, we can’t go backwards once we get started, due to logistics.