Why I’m Thankful

“Hashtag blessed” is said mostly sarcastically now, after being greatly overused on social media a few years ago. But I’m grateful, thankful for so much, and ‘tis the season to talk about what we’re thankful for. Here in this space and context, I’m thankful for my clients, for the families I’ve been lucky enough to document this year. Helping you see yourselves as your kids see you, or how I see you, is a big part of why I do what I do. I appreciate the trust you put in me and recognize the vulnerability you have in sharing your lives with me. When you let your guard down and allow me to connect with you while you simultaneously connect with your family, I feel like I’ve really succeeded.

It’s the connection that I’m thankful for, really. Connecting with clients and families. Helping people find the photographer that matches with them perfectly, even (or sometimes especially) when that isn’t me, is a sweet feeling. I could scream from the mountain tops (and I feel like sometimes I do) about all the important reasons why we need photography that spurns a memory. The photos that just show you in your dressiest, least comfortable clothes with fake smiles and bribed children aren’t the ones you and your kids will have special memories about later in life.

“Remember when the dog decided to join us for photo time?”

Parents sit with their newborn daughter as their dog sniffs their hands

“Remember when he hit that growth spurt and wanted to eat for DAYS?” ‘

Blended family of 4 sit on the couch and look tired and content while the baby cries

“Remember when he carried Pokémon in his pockets and wanted to race us down the trails?”

Parents hold their little boy and laugh while he tries to get away

“Remember when she insisted on putting on her own sunglasses?”

Toddler girl eats ice cream at Gelati Celesti in RVA while wearing her sunglasses upside down.

Thank you for being real with me. I’ve really loved being real with you, and I’m grateful for the connections we have with each other. Connection is really what matters, after all. I’m thankful for you all, and hope you have a fantastic Thanksgiving, no matter how big or small your celebration is (or what day it lands on. Ours was yesterday. I took zero photos of the food.)

“Remember Thanksgiving?”


One year at home: Lifestyle Family Photography


How to Gift a Photo Session