Libby Hill Park Fall Kids Photos

I dressed in layers and met Carter and Beth for our annual reunion at Libby Hill Park on the first FREEZING Saturday of November. I remembered Carter's first shoot when he was just 18 months old, when we played in the median on Monument Ave and he was too little to make it to the street. It was freezing on that day, too, and he wore an adorable hat and flannel layers. As he marched through the ivy in front of me this time, noticing the trail and wanting to see what was around the bend, I realized again just how fast time does fly.

We wandered the park, checking seed pods and running up and down the big cobblestone hill. Well, one of us ran up and down the hill. Beth and I contentedly watched his six-year-old energy and waited for his long legs to run out of steam. We planted a nut, then came back to see if a tree had sprouted and found that a squirrel had stolen it. So, we planted another, hoping to see a tree sprout while we waited. No such luck, but we can check it again next year. Maybe we'll have a reunion with a fat, thankful squirrel who didn't have to do so much work to make it through the winter.

Thank you, Beth and Carter, for trusting me year after year and for a great session! I love reuniting with you every fall and finding new places for us to explore.


James River Family Photos


Family Pride